Athletes Can Benefit From Stem Cell And PRP Therapy
January 2019

Professional athletes know the importance of keeping your body working at an optimal level.  For them, even minor injuries can cause down time from practice, missed games and even end careers.  For many athletes surgery is not an option as it will require significant down time and resting.  This is why so many Orthopaedic physicians are offering regenerative stem cell injections to their patients, so that an athlete can heal an injury without surgery and long resting periods.

Whether you are a current athlete, or you are suffering from the injuries you obtained in your youth, stem cell and PRP injections are great treatment options for healing.  These are minimally invasive injections that work by reducing swelling and inflammation and promote healing.  Stem cell and PRP injections require very little down time and give patients the ability of a pain free life without going under the knife.

Our website breaks down each kind of regenerative medicine injection option.  Click here to see a list of everything that is offered to our patients. These injections are a great way to start healing sports injuries whether they are new or old.